Darn Those Gremlins!
Gremlins! Those mischievous little devils can really derail your success. Often failure starts in your head. It’s those thoughts in your head that sit there in the corner of your mind, emerging when you are most vulnerable. It’s the story you create and tell or convince yourself to be the truth. Those little buggers are so good at it that you may not even know they’re there – until you take stock and take notice of them.
My gremlin whispers in my ear to make sure I don’t take compliments too seriously because, after all I am not good at anything. After all, who am I? My gremlin was there when I lost my job due to reorganization. Never mind that I had been a nurse executive and leader for over thirty years. For a brief moment my gremlin had convinced me that that happened because I hadn’t worked hard enough, hadn’t achieved enough or and that I was not “one of them”. Who are they anyway? My gremlin told me I was not good enough.
Of course, my gremlin was dead wrong. So is yours.
Why do we listen to the gremlin versus the supportive voice that speaks reality instead of stories; that allows us choice versus “can’t” or “should”?
I have a tee-shirt given to me by a group of employees I provided leadership for during a very difficult time. The fact is, at that time I didn’t know if I was going to be successful, but I was determined. That determination paid off, and the team was appreciative! Now, I run with that tee-shirt as a reminder that, “YES, I can do it”. It is my support and positive reinforcer reinforcer whenever my gremlin tries to come back for a visit.
When does your gremlin visit? What does he or she look like and sound like? How has it kept you from growth, change, achievement? How do you recognize its chatter?
The first step is to notice and acknowledge the little devil! Practice mindfulness and implement it. Call it for what it is and then call it out. Only you can muffle the negativity. Quiet those gremlins for good and wear your supportive tee-shirt with pride!
If you’ve experienced a gremlin infestation before, let me hear from you. Please share how you’ve managed or eradicated the gremlins in your life.
Ready to take on your gremlins? See how my leadership coaching services can help you become the leader within.