
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be~Douglas Adams

Intentions. We all intend to do, say, go, finish, etc, etc, etc. What happens to all of our intentions along the way? They seem good and well meaning at the time, but we get sidetracked, halted, stuck or changed. Do we view this as failure? Perhaps, we need to reframe how we view intentions. Are your intentions an accomplishment , a task, or an achievement? More importantly, is it becoming who you want to BE?

If your life is like mine, it is full of check-off lists, to-dos and obligations. But, are these actions leading me to BE? As we make our plans, do we allow ourselves to be open to other possibilities? Could these other possibilities take us down a different path to where we intend to BE?

Take time to be mindful and explore within. Learn to be in tune with yourself, your head, heart and gut. Be mindful of those possibilities that might not be what you or others intended or planned, but instead, take you where you intended to BE.

Are You Fearless?
Do You Embrace Or Run From Change?

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